
hotpoint fridge Holiday Home

hotpoint fridge Holiday HomeInvestigations into the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower have pointed towards a faulty Hotpoint fridge freezer being the cause. The government said that further tests are being carried out by the manufacturer. However it has already been confirmed that model was not subject to any product recall.

Whirlpool, who owns Hotpoint, said: “We offer our most profound condolences to the victims, those who have lost loved ones, homes, and possessions, and to their friends and families.”

As holiday home insurance specialists we feel a duty to help you as a holiday homeowner to keep informed in order to help you protect your family, friends and paying guests and keep them safe.

What should you do if you have a Hotpoint Fridge Freezer in your home or holiday home?

Anyone who has a white Hotpoint fridge freezer model number FF175BP or graphite fridge freezer model number FF175BG should register their appliance with the manufacturer to receive any updates. Generally, the model number is found on a bar code on a sticker behind the salad container in the fridge.

These models were discontinued in 2009, however 64,000 were sold between March 2006 and July 2009. It is not known how many are still in use. Owners should ring 0800 316 3826 or visit the Hotpoint website.

House fires connected to fridge freezers and other electrical appliances are all too common, thus empahising the importance of regular inspections and PAT Testing of the appliances in your holiday home. Further guidance for holiday homeowners on electrical and fire sfety can be found by following the links below:

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. Require a quote for your holiday apartment, cottage or complex? Please give us a call on 01237 429444.

Electrical safety is a serious business – unsafe electrical installations cause around 31 deaths, over 8,000 house fires and 1,150 serious injuries each year*. What’s more, most accidents can be prevented.

In this post we explore the importance of electrical safety advice for furnished holiday let owners. Statistically, rented properties such as furnished holiday lets are more at risk than owner/occupier homes, as they tend to get more wear and tear. As a holiday home owner it is your responsibility under the law to make sure that the electrics in your property are safe. The quay to keeping your paying guests safe is simple. When employing someone to carry out electrical work in your properties always use an NICEIC registered contractor.

NICEIC acts as the UK electrical contracting industry’s voluntary regulatory body for electrical safety matters. They hold a register of more than 25,000 contractors who are independently assessed on an annual basis to ensure that they comply with national safety standards and codes of practice.

All NICEIC registered contractors have undergone appropriate training and assessment and are able to self-certify their electrical work in compliance with Part P of the Building Regulations. To find an NICEIC registered electrician in your area visit

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For further information on UK holiday home insurance visit the website page most relevant to you: